Xilinx Petalinux Workflow

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Boot Pre-build Images from SD Card

Boot Pre-built Images with JTAG

  1. Power off

  2. Connect the JTAG port

  3. Connect the serial port

  4. Connect the Ethernet port

  5. Power on

  6. petalinux-boot –jtag –prebuilt 3

Test Pre-build PetaLinux Image with QEMU

  1. petalinux-boot –qemu –prebuilt 3

    • --prebuilt 1 performs FPGA bitstream

    • --prebuilt 2 performs U-boot

    • --prebuild 3 performs pre-build Linux image

  2. Login to PetaLinux with default user name root and password root

To exit QEMU, press Ctrl + A

Testing the Re-build PetaLinux Images

Testing the Re-built Image on Hardware

  1. petalinux-boot –jtag –u-boot –fpga –bitstream < Bit-stream >

  2. petalinux-boot –jtag –kernel –fpga –bitstream < Bit-stream >

Testing the Re-build Image with QEMU

  1. petalinux-boot –qemu –kernel

  2. login as root with password root

Working with a petalinux Project

Creating a new project

petalinux-create –type prject –template < CPU_TYPE > –name < PROJECT >

Import Hardware Description

petalinux-config –get-hw-description=< path-to-directory-which-contains-hardware-description-file >

Configure Project Components

petalinux-config petalinux-config -c kernel petalinux-config -c rootfs

Boot the default Linux Kernel Image

petalinux-boot –qemu –kernel

Boot a Specific Linux Image

petalinux-boot –qemu –image < path-to-linux-iamge-file >

Boot a linux image with a specific DTB

petalinux-boot –qemu –image ./images/linux/zImage –dtb ./images/linux/system.dtb

Building a bootable system image

Generate boot image for zynq device

petalinux-package –boot –format BIN –fsbl < FSBL image > –fpga < FPGA bitstream > –u-boot

Internal Architecture of Petalinux Projects

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